суббота, 8 декабря 2018 г.

Work process

STAGE 1 – Introduction of herbs to grow.  Desirably to do a presentation. Every group of students creates 1 presentation, where they describe shortly every herb they plan to grow. 

Stage 2 – preparation of growing area. For example, it may be a vertical garden or another creative way to plant herbs. You can present  your data (summary of the 2nd stage) as visually-stunning graphs using canva.com or picktochart.com

Stage 3 – Planting of the seeds. Summary of the 3rd stage may be a photo collage and description in a free form. 

Stage 4 – Taking care of herbs during the growing process. Summary of the 4th stage may be an animation or short video. 

Stage 5 – Harvesting. Summary of the 5th stage may be also a presentation or other ICT tools.

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